#SeeingIsBelieving Newsletter (01.29.20)

With the San Francisco 49er's advancement to the Super Bowl, their offensive assistant, Katie Sowers, will be the first woman to coach in a Super Bowl. During an interview, Katie shared this message about her #SeeingIsBelieving history: "I am willing and happy to be a trailblazer because I know that other women, other young girls, are watching this and maybe their path seems a little clearer now." 

Katie is right; what we see influences what we believe, which is why #SeeingIsBelieving is needed to achieve gender parity. Children are influenced by their environment, as are adults. For example, research led by Stanford University found that the recruitment process on campus for technology jobs unconsciously repelled women by delivering the subtle message that "they are not welcome." It is not surprising then, that only 26% of female STEM graduates work in STEM-related jobs, compared to 40% of male graduates with STEM degrees. This is within our power to change, sometimes as simply as ensuring that the optics are reflective of the reality we seek.

Seeing a person who "looks like you" in a specific role opens the door for one to aspire and emulate that path. This is what Katie Sowers aims for on February 2, 2020 during the Super Bowl - her goal, aside from coaching her team to a win, is to ensure that she's not the last. 

We're looking forward to many more coaches like her bringing their best to every playing field.
