Next Gen Men


About Next Gen Men

A small but mighty force, Next Gen Men is at the forefront of creating meaningful change in the lives of boys and men across North America. 

By addressing the root causes of pain and harm as boys become men, we're not just changing individual lives; we're reshaping our collective future.

Why support Next Gen Men?

Men are more likely to be both victims and perpetrators of violence. But boys aren’t broken. And men aren’t toxic. 

We aim to expand the norms of masculinity and build a future where boys are free to be themselves. Our transformative approach to masculinity is rooted across the lifespan of boys and men. 

With youth, we help boys challenge the status quo by training, equipping and empowering parents, educators, coaches, and youth workers. 

At work, we help organizations build inclusive workplaces in male-dominant fields through keynote presentations, workshops, and an exclusively inclusive men’s book club.

We also welcome everyone to our community, which includes our private online forum, in-person events, and monthly Circle discussions. 

When you make a donation to Next Gen Men, you transform our collective future, one boy at a time. 

Join us in our vision to realize a future where boys and men feel less pain and cause less harm.


genEquality serves as the U.S. Fiscal Sponsor for Next Gen Men. This Fiscal Sponsorship allows Next Gen Men to accept donations and operate under 501(c)3 rules. All funds will be used to support Next Gen Men initiatives.

Your donation to Next Gen Men is 100% tax deductible.