Shades of Equality: Health Palette
Introducing the *Health Palette* of the Shades of Equality:
The Shades of Equality are a creative way to visualize data and statistics.
How do we develop the Shades? We begin by gathering existing data and statistics - numbers that would normally only live in books and/or articles - and plug them into the CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Kohl (black)) system, experimenting with different combinations until we get a color that feels appropriate for the fact or statistic that it represents. This way, each Shade is informed by gender data…and adds another dimension and deeper meaning to the art that it’s used in.
Gendered disparities in health are solvable, technical problems. But the disparities won’t solve themselves; we have to push for their solutions in every way we can.
What are some creative ways that you can use the Shades of Equality Health palette to push for change in the health sector and health outcomes for everyone?